Monday, January 7, 2008

Trust Birth Conference

Can you spare three days to challenge yourself, rejuvenate yourself, learn more than you imagined, and walk away with a new approach to birth, life and your own journey?

The Trust Birth conference
includes some of the most powerful voices in unhindered birth:

Sarah Buckley, MD
Michel Odent, MD
John Stevenson, MD
Henci Goer
Gloria Lemay
Gail Hart
Hathor the Cow Goddess
Laura Shanley
Rixa Freeze
Mindy Goorchenko

I have been to midwifery conferences that essentially feature the same speakers, the same messages, the same level of enthusiasm. The Trust Birth Conference has created within me new emotions about a conference: hope, faith, excitement, awe, joy and peace.

This is a conference that really walks the talk: there is no hiding the truth, no "birth is safe, yes, BUT...." - these are people who honor the truth in birth, even when that requires recognition of when birth moves outside of normal.

I don't know that I've ever been this excited about a birth-related conference. I'm thrilled to meet all these people - and the people attending. I'm ready to be surrounded with others who can teach me and who will stand with me for the rights of women and children everywhere!

Please, please join us. I am speaking on a panel titled "Transitioning to Trust Birth Midwifery", giving a talk on "More of Them; Less of Me!" (basically my journey from being anxious about birth to learning how trusting the process - and parents - has empowered me personally), and a talk on "Hands Off the Perineum!".

I know that, despite my biases and strong beliefs, I will be hugely challenged at this conference. It's what I want, what I need. It's what we all need.

Are you ready for it?